Alþjóða Samfrímúrarareglan LE DROIT HUMAIN


Skilaboð til systra og bræðra í Lebanon

Alþjóðlega frímúrarareglan karla og kvenna Le Droit Humain sendi eftirfarandi skilaboð til systra og bræðra Reglunnar í Libanon og Íslandssambandið sameinast í baráttu- og hugheilar systkinakveðjur til þeirra á þessum einstaklega erfiðum tímum.

Already heavily affected by a health, economic and political crisis, Lebanon has been undergoing a new hardship in recent days, following the terrible explosion that devastated Beirut.
The Supreme Council, in the name of the Order, addressed to our Lebanese Sisters and Brothers its messages of sympathy and encouragement. It remains in contact with them and wishes to give them its support.
When the extent of the damage they have suffered will be better evaluated, especially when their needs will be known, the Supreme Council will propose to our Lebanese Sisters and Brothers all the help it can provide and will do so in the manner they deem most appropriate.
In the meantime, we are all in thought with the people of Beirut and send our very fraternal encouragement to our Lebanese Sisters and Brothers.
Very fraternally

Daniel Bolens
Grand Master and M.P.S.G.C.

Alþjóðleg frímúrararegla karla og kvenna, LE DROIT HUMAIN notar vafrakökur til að bæta upplifun og greina umferð um vefinn.


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